
Leading hoteliers see increased internet use and other trends

  • 2007-10-22
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:14
18 October, 2007: Whats ahead in the hotel market?The current positive conditions will continue for at least three years, concluded the owners of some of the worlds most exclusive hotels.WORLDHOTELS 500 plus members were part a survey where participants were asked to anticipate new trends in key areas such as business growth, environment, customer expectation, customer booking behavior, internet booking and customer relationship management (CRM). "The results reveal an upbeat mood amongst the hoteliers who expect revenue to continue to increase," reported Hotel News Resource.Eighty eight percent of respondents believed their REVPAR will be higher in 2008, due to factors such as improved yield management, advanced revenue strategies or increased demand.Other trends:· Hoteliers see ecotourism as another way of increasing business. · Participants thought offering the best available rate was the most important consideration for satisfying business consumers (82%).· Other important concerns for that market included free wireless internet access and the quality of the hotel website.· A total of 86% of those surveyed believed that in the next three years consumers will use hotel websites in preference to online travel agents, cutting out the third parties.
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