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Sabre secures agreements with major Chinese carriers

  • 2008-11-14
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:14
Daily news, 13 Nov 2008: SINGAPORE Sabre Travel Network has recently secured distribution agreements with four major Chinese carriers, providing Sabre connected travel agents access to full content for all major airlines in China.

This year, China Eastern, Xiamen Airlines and Shandong Airlines signed multi-year agreements with Sabre providing all their schedule, fare and inventory information to the Sabre global distribution system (GDS).

Air China also recently signed a renewal of their distribution agreement with Sabre.

All major Chinese carriers now participate in the Sabre Travel Network GDS including, China Southern, Hainan Airlines and Shanghai Airlines, offering Sabre connected travel agents the most comprehensive access to the booming Chinese travel market.

上一篇:达美、西北航空合并进驻浦东机场二号航站楼 下一篇:集体舞或独舞 金融危机推动航空业联盟浪潮