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Growing pressure on BA to incorporate fuel surcharge

  • 2008-10-06
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:23
27 September, 2008: British Airways is coming under increasing pressure to bring fuel surcharges back into its air fares.

Richard Tams, the airlines general manager UK and global corporate sales, told agents at the Advantage Travel Conference that as fuel prices rise, it was an issue that is increasingly occupying our minds.

But he said there were two reasons why it was not easy to make the change.

Firstly, its a logistical nightmare. Every time you want to put the fare up, you have to re-file every fare, he said.

Secondly, if you bring the fuel surcharge in, it becomes discounted if you have a discounted rate.

Tams admitted that it was ridiculous that an 18 fare can come with 80 worth of surcharges and taxes.

He said the airline would continue to look at the situation but there were no immediate plans to follow the likes of Emirates, which has managed to incorporate the charge.

He added that the recent drop in fuel prices had been outweighed by the weakened pound.

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