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Lufthansa raises operating profit to almost Euro 1.4bn

  • 2008-02-29
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:14
Published: 27 Feb 2008:The Lufthansa Groups revenue totalled Euro 22.4bn (previous year: Euro 19.8bn) at the end of the financial year 2007 according to the preliminary figures.

The operating result of EUR 1,378m (previous year: Euro 845m) exceeded the profit target.

"The positive business development and income from portfolio management also made their mark on the net profit for the period of Euro 1,655m (previous year: Euro 803m)," stated the company.

"In continuation of the Groups dividend policy and in view of the sound operating performance, the Executive Board proposes to the Supervisory Board to submit a dividend proposal of Euro 1.25 per share for the previous financial year to the Annual General Meeting, an increase of Euro 0.55."

The company is scheduled to release its full financial report on March 12 after the meeting of its supervisory board, the U.S. equivalent to a board of directors, on March 10.

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