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Jet Airways and MAS look at possibility of code-sharing

  • 2008-01-04
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:16
Thursday, 3 January 2008: It has been revealed that heads from Jet Airways and Malaysia Airlines are scheduled to meet later in the month to discuss ways that the airlines could enhance cooperation.The talks would consider options such as a code-share for operations between Malaysia and India, to be put in place as early as the middle of the year.“Code-sharing is something we would like to do with MAS, if they agree we could possibly look at it for Mumbai flights. The idea here is synergy, so if we can code-share on their Mumbai flights, then they can code-share with our Chennai flights,” said Kavin Martinus, Jet Airways Malaysia Manager, in Malaysian newspaper The Edge.“We hope to see double-digit growth in overall demand going forward from KL–Chennai flights.”The Kuala Lumpur–Chennai route, last week saw Jet Airways launch its new Airbus 330-200s. Gerry Oh, Jet Airways Regional VP Southeast Asia, adds, “We’re talking about a wider co-operation with MAS, which may involve code-sharing and many other areas including marketing. We are in active discussions with MAS.”India is also growing to become an important inbound market for Malaysia, who in the first nine months of 2007 saw visitor numbers leap to 315,000, representing an increase of 57%.The introduction of the new Airbus A330s into the India–Malaysia services represents an increase of some 60% in terms of capacity for 2008. This was due to 2007 averaging some 85% in terms of load factors on the route.

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