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British Airways considering re-entering Malaysia

  • 2007-09-30
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:8
Friday, 28 September 2007: British Airways is displaying keen interest in re-entering the Malaysian market, and will be continuing talks with the Malaysian airport authority in coming months, reports Malaysian local newspapers.Malaysia Airports Holdings Bhd (MAHB), Managing Director, Datuk Seri Bashir Ahmad, commented that he met with British Airways CEO, Willie Walsh, at the 13th World Route Development Forum –where it appeared that BA still had interests in the country.“There has been no definite date yet [to begin operations],” said Mr Bashir. “It always depends on the viability of operations and availability of aircraft.”Mr Bashir also added, “Every time we talk, the picture becomes clearer.”Officials from both sides are expected to meet in a few months to sit down and discuss the option of re-establishing air links to Malaysia from the UK with BA.British Airways had earlier pulled out of Kuala Lumpur in 2001, and is being cautious this time round to make sure the route is established wisely.

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