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Galileo implements e-ticketing for Saudi Arabian Airlines, Air India and Air Yemenia

  • 2007-07-03
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:15
06-29-2007 — Saudi Arabian Airlines, Air India and Air Yemenia are the latest three airlines to implement e-ticketing via Galileo, a leading global distribution system (GDS) and subsidiary of Travelport. Galileo-connected agents worldwide will now be able to transmit ticket information directly to the databases of the three airlines, enabling passengers to check in and board their flights without a paper ticket.Rabih Saab, Galileo’s vice-president for the Middle East and Africa, Turkey, Pakistan and Sri Lanka commented, “Despite the fact that the IATA target to become e-ticket compliant has been extended to 31 May 2008, airlines still need to plan now in order to be prepared for the deadline. Now that we can provide e-tickets for Saudi Arabian Airlines, Air India and Air Yemenia via our GDS, we have activated virtually all carriers from the list of Top 100 ticket volume producers. We expect to announce further activations very shortly.”The airline industry is being transformed by simplifying processes through the advancement of technology. IATA’s target of 96.5 per cent e-ticketing will not only save a significant amount of time for the agent and the customer but will also save the airline industry at least US$ 3 billion per year.Galileo currently has 168 active e-ticket participants in 92 countries. Three out of every four tickets issued on a Galileo system are now electronic. As a direct result of e-ticketing, Galileo is saving a minimum of 14 acres of forest per month.

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