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Ryanair aims to be leading Spanish carrier in 5 years

  • 2007-05-21
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:3
17-May-07: Ryanair intends to be Spains leading carrier within five years, but not just in the low cost segment, chairman Michael 0Leary said. Speaking to reporters, OLeary also said the no frills carrier wants to transport 20 million passengers annually over the five-year period, more than its rival Spanish flag carrier Iberia Lineas Aereas de Espana SA. But he noted that if British Airways buys Iberia, then this could happen even sooner. Earlier, Ryanair announced seven new routes from Madrid, which will be operational from November. With these additions, the airline will transport 9 million passengers. With regard to a third base in Spain, OLeary said: "I suspect this will be located in the south," contrasting with comments made in January that Ryanair had chosen Reus, near Tarragona in the north east, depending on the infrastructure situation.

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