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Revelex Corporation launches online booking for Cape Air

  • 2007-03-27
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:14
Cape Air, the largest independent regional airline in the US, has become the first airline client to use Revelex’s customisable solutions to enable the online booking of its inventory. (3/22/2007)Revelex Corporation, a provider of travel technology solutions to agents and vendors, stated that Revelex gives Cape Air a new avenue to both streamline and establish its online business. Prior to deploying Revelex’s technology, Cape Air arranged flights solely through traditional means. Now with the Revelex solution in place, Cape Air – as well as other airlines – has seen a rapid growth in automating the booking process. Since its launch, Cape Air has successfully facilitated almost 2,000 online bookings per month, increasing the airline’s revenue. Revelex’s technology manages the online inventory for Cape Air, ensuring that the most current availability and pricing is offered online at any given time for customers. Revelex’s inventory distribution system also enables Cape Air to track repeat business. “We have developed a user friendly platform that we’re confident will take Cape Air’s online sales to new heights,” says David Goodis, chief executive officer, Revelex Corporation. “This is the solution vendors have been looking for to effectively and efficiently manage online travel business.”

上一篇:鹰联航空公司正式开通成都——南京往返航线 下一篇:南航今日开通广州至迪拜航线