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Sabre Travel Network, United Airlines extend distribution agreement

  • 2008-11-26
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:41
Monday, 24 November 2008: Sabre Travel Network announced today that United Airlines has signed a two-year extension of their current full-content agreement.

Through the extension of the distribution agreement with Sabre Travel Network, all United published fares and inventory will be available for subscribers of the Sabre global distribution system (GDS), including online and offline travel agencies. This includes published fares that the airline sells through any third-party Web site and through its own Web site and reservation offices.

This mutually beneficial agreement shows that United Airlines believes in the value of this distribution channel and the current GDS model, thats why they are in the Sabre GDS today and why they want to continue that participation, said Hugh Jones, chief operating officer, Sabre Travel Network. This agreement extension assures all Sabre Connected travel agents that they will have efficient access to Uniteds full content for quite some time.

Uniteds current distribution agreement with Sabre Travel Network was set to expire in 2011. The extension signed today keeps the full content distribution agreement in place until 2013.

Sabre is the only GDS that continues to develop and evolve options that help combine new revenue generation with customer service and efficiency, Jones said.

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