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Northwest closes in on 100 percent interline e-ticketing

  • 2007-09-12
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:12
Northwest Airlines is closing on a landmark 100th interline electronic ticket agreement, and could be the first airline in the world to implement its 100th e-ticket accord soon. (9/10/2007)E-ticketing facilitates the booking and modifying of tickets online along with self service check-in. Northwest to date has implemented e-ticket programs for 99.9 percent of all interline ticketing within the United States, and 99.2 percent of ticketing with its international partners. This process undertaken by Northwest and its SkyTeam partners significantly contributes to the elimination of unnecessary paper waste within the travel industry. The airline currently has 95 interline e-ticket agreements in place. IATA’s billing and settlement system currently processes about 400 million ticket transactions annually. Northwest’s 95 agreements include all nine of the airline’s SkyTeam partners as well the three associate members.

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