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Southwest signs content distribution agreement With Galileo

  • 2007-05-22
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:8
Southwest Airlines and Galileo have signed a 10-year, content distribution agreement. (5/17/2007)Through the agreement, all of Southwest’s published fares and inventory, with the exception of Southwest exclusive web fares, will be available late this year to Galileo-connected travel agencies in North America. “We often hear from our business customers that they want an additional channel in order to take advantage of the airline with the best customer service, lowest fares, and most flights,” said Kevin Krone, Southwest’s Vice President of Sales, Marketing and Distribution. “Southwest recognises the significant value of Galileo’s distribution channels, and we are pleased to provide our key travel agent and professional travel manager partners, who also are Galileo subscribers, with increased access to our content. This new agreement allows us to reach new customers who will now have an opportunity to buy, book, and manage Southwest through the efficiency of the Galileo GDS channel,” said Krone. David Falter, President, Galileo Americas said Southwest content is important to both leisure and corporate travelers and this agreement ensures they can book it where they want to. “It also builds on the holistic relationship we have with Southwest, which already uses the Galileo hotel and car rental booking capabilities on their website,” said Falter.

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