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Security emerges as a major benefit of mobile technology for corporate travellers: study

  • 2008-07-17
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:11
Published: 15 Jul 2008: Mobile technology is set to transform the entire travel experience for business travellers, improving their access to information and services, says a report titled Upwardly Mobile.

The report, released by Amadeus and the Association of Corporate Travel Executives (ACTE), surveyed 72 travel managers across the globe and gathered opinions from technology experts worldwide through more than 30 interviews.

Security emerged as a major benefit of mobile technology for corporate travellers. All the respondents indicated that tracking and communication of travellers for security purposes was a major benefit of mobile technology. 98 percent saw definite value in mobile technologys ability to provide corporate travellers with up-to-the-minute security alerts in event of a crisis. 92 percent of respondents appreciated the ability to receive GPS directions via a mobile device, and 88 percent saw benefit in being able to change their travel reservations while on the road.

Peter Smith, Vice President of the Business Solutions Group at Amadeus Asia Pacific said the corporate community is increasingly recognising the benefits of mobile technology in terms of productivity, flexibility, and employee welfare.

"These findings are particularly relevant for the Asia Pacific region, where we observe a high rate of adoption for new technology and mobile devices," he said.

The report also found that mobile technology will help corporate travel managers meet travel policy requirements and promote compliance. For example, in the case of a cancelled flight, employees will be able to instantly access approved supplier lists, ensuring that they follow company policy rather than choosing costly alternatives.

However, while the report clearly demonstrates that travel managers are aware of the benefits offered by mobile technologies, they have so far made little progress in implementing changes. Around 80 percent acknowledged the role of mobile phones with enhanced features to improve corporate travel but only a handful have integrated these services into their travel programmes.

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