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MobiMate introduces its next generation mobile travel service code

  • 2007-03-30
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:2
Mobile travel-related services company MobiMate has shared details of its next generation mobile travel service code named WorldMate i10. (3/28/2007)According to the company, the service is the first of its kind, designed to empower the tens of millions of business travelers and frequent fliers when they are in need of real-time information. It combines context based push and pull services culminating in a “Personal Travel Assistant” experience. “WorldMate i10 is the culmination of many years of experience building mobile travel utilities and painstaking research conducted with Fortune 500 companies as well as MobiMate’s huge user base of business travelers,” said Nadav Gur, MobiMate’s chief executive officer. “Our solution revolutionizes the travel experience, proactively guiding the traveler by the hand through all aspects of his journey. Ultimately, we believe that WorldMate i10 will drive the market for on-the-road travel services making it a killer mobile application – akin to push email and GPS navigation,” said Gur. The company stated that WorldMate i10 comprises downloadable mobile client and server, a Microsoft Outlook Add-In and an accompanying website. The Outlook Add-In automatically pieces together the travelers’ itinerary details - flights, hotel, car rental and meetings, for immediate inspection on their mobile phones or through the WorldMate i10 website. Just prior to the trip, WorldMate i10 starts tracking the itinerary in real-time pushing details and suggestions when required. For example, when a flight is delayed or cancelled, the user is notified immediately and then presented with alternative flights for the desired destination. When arriving at a new destination, WorldMate i10 greets the user with a message outlining the next few items on her itinerary along with the local time and weather as well as maps/directions to her hotel. MobiMate’s vice president products, Amir Kirshenboim said, “The WorldMate i10 solution is founded on the concept of contextual push data services—a system that automatically determines the user’s context based on his itinerary and then pushes personalised information in real time to his phone. The end result is a new user experience where the mobile device proactively assists you, eliminating the uncertainties and stress common to travel. It’s like having a real life personal travel assistant guiding you on your trip.” WorldMate i10’s basic services will be provided free of charge. These will include the most frequently used services such as itinerary creation and viewing, world clocks, weather forecasts and currency exchange rates. All of the components which make up WorldMate i10—the mobile application, access to the web application and the Microsoft Outlook Add-in–will also be provided for free. A few premium services will be charged for on a monthly basis. These will include the push functionality and specialized content services geared towards the very frequent traveler. WorldMate i10 will also drive revenue through affiliations with several third parties.

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