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Brits say a big no to phones on planes

  • 2008-07-28
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:14
(24 July 2008) Despite (or perhaps because of) their almost ubiquitous use on land, British travellers are more likely to say no to mobile phone use on aircraft than any other nationality.

That is the finding of a global survey of more than 4000 travellers by the worlds largest travel community, Tripadvisor.

According to a recent report, five airlines (Air France, RyanAir, Bmi, SAS and Emirates) are currently testing the use of mobile phones in-flight, whilst eight are considering the matter and only one, Qatar, has decided to maintain a ban.

However most travellers, and especially the British, do not appear to be in favour of phones on planes.

The Tripadvisor survey showed that eighty six percent of British travellers, compared to 78 percent of all respondents worldwide, think cell phone use should be disallowed on planes.

The survey also revealed that a lot of us could be curbing our connectivity this summer.

Forty-one percent of British travellers said they will avoid email on their summer holiday this year, 38 percent plan to go without the internet, and 28 percent say they will avoid using their mobile phones.

TripAdvisor European communications manager, Ian Rumgay, said: If the results of the TripAdvisor survey are anything to go by it may be that other airlines will be following Qatars lead and keeping our airspace mobile call free.

"Then again, the lure of additional revenues from mobile call charges may prove too big a temptation for cash strapped carriers.

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