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Farelogix to offer ITA Software's airfare shopping and pricing capabilities

  • 2008-02-03
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:4
Farelogix and ITA Software have signed an agreement to integrate ITA Softwares QPX System with the Farelogix FLX Platform. (1/31/2008)

According to a release, with the addition of airfare pricing and shopping system to the multi-source content distribution solution offered by Farelogix, "Travel Management Companies (TMCs) will have access to the most accurate and comprehensive pricing and low-fare shopping results available."

TMCs will also be able to apply all the unique business, usage and optimisation rules available through the FLX Platform to content sourced from the QPX System.

"The TMCs we work with have identified ITAs QPX as a valuable content source, making it a logical and straight-forward decision to deliver this capability to our customers," said Jim Davidson, CEO of Farelogix. "Our customers demand independence, choice, and flexibility when it comes to content sourcing and optimisation. Our goal is to give our customers complete control in their sourcing requirements, providing them with a definite competitive advantage."

The Farelogix FLX Platform enables TMCs to source travel inventory from a variety of channels, including supplier-direct connections, Global Distribution Systems (GDS), as well as private and web-based content sources. With the addition of ITAs QPX System, TMCs can enhance their service delivery by offering greater search, shopping and pricing capabilities.

"TMCs require flexible sourcing options to meet the needs of their customers, and having a distribution outlet like Farelogix is an efficient and effective way to deliver the benefits of QPX to a wider customer base," said Gianni Marostica, Chief Commercial Officer, ITA Software.

"As highly complementary systems, we are able to easily combine the power of content and business rules to support the business goals of TMCs," added Gianni.

ITA Softwares QPX technology enhances the shopping capabilities of airlines and travel agencies. Faster, more efficient and more flexible than traditional airfare pricing systems, QPX computes potentially billions of combinations of flights and fares in order to deliver better and more comprehensive results. Built on open systems and delivered as a managed service on an application service provider (ASP) basis, QPX is highly scalable and configurable.

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