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Who flies where' website goes live

  • 2008-02-27
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:9

25 February, 2008:A new website has been developed to enable travellers to find out what airlines fly to which destinations.

Airlinedestinations.co.uk claims to carry information of flights by every airline departing from all UK airports.

Searches are made by the region and airport of departure followed by the destination airport. It also links users to the website of any airline they are interested in.

Founder Paul Keogh-Davies originally conceived the idea in 2000 while working for a travel agency but did not at that time have the technical know-how to set up the site.

Eight years later the site has been finally launched and he believes it is set to become the first stepping stone for many savvy independent travellers.

Finding the cheapest flights and most convenient routes has always been a laborious and time-consuming affair involving the trawling through of countless airline websites to check whether they fly the route, and assuming of course that you know of the airlines in the first place, said Keogh-Davies.

The arrival of airlinedestinations.co.uk now cuts down the time of the entire search process to a matter of seconds. Important to note is that the site is totally independent and does not recommend or favour any particular airline. It simply provides passengers with the core information of who flies where.

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