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Surprising American travel trends revealed in new study

  • 2007-07-06
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:10
03 July, 2007: Americans are traveling more during the spring and summer months and less in the winter months than last year, says a new FunJet study on the average American vacation. "While June, July and August remain the most popular travel months for both years, each month was up six percentage points in 2007 than in 2006," the study said. April and May saw more increases in travelers in 2007 than last year. The winter months, especially December, are anticipated to see fewer travelers this year than last. Last December was a popular travel time, with 21% of vacationers choosing that month to get away. This years travel numbers will be lower. What are vacationers doing? Edu-vacations and experiential travel are two travel trends supported by this survey. Relaxing on a beach, however, still holds the No. 1 spot. Activities in order of response are ranked below: 1. Beaches (54%) 2. Culture (51%) 3. Adventures (41%) 4. Spa (19%) 5. Gaming/Gambling (19%) 6. Wine (18%) 7. Golf (8%) Where are travelers going? "More than 63% of Americans plan to visit US destinations other than Las Vegas this year for their air/hotel vacations. About 18% chose Las Vegas, 13% choose the Caribbean, and 7% each chose Hawaii and Mexico," the study says. Some other facts from the study: · More 25- to 34-year-olds (15%) and 35- to 49-year-olds (16%) are going to the Caribbean than those 65 and older (9%). · Those in the 50-to 64-year-old and 65 plus categories (both 10%) are going to Hawaii this year more than 18- to 24-year-olds (only 3%) and 25- to 34-year-olds (4%). · Significantly, more college graduates (21%) are going to vacation in Las Vegas this year than high school and graduate school graduates (14%).

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