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Online travel: Price beats brands when times are tight

  • 2008-07-24
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:44
July 23, 2008: In a recent survey, nearly eight out of 10 Internet users said that prices drove their purchase decisions during times of economic uncertainty. More than seven out of 10 also said that price and good online user experience were the second-highest-influencing factor on where to buy a product.

More than four out of 10 US nonbusiness travelers surveyed expect to reduce the number of trips they will take in the coming year as a result of the economy, according to a June 2008 Destination Analysts The State of the American Traveler survey. Nearly three out of 10 said they would spend less for their recreational trips in the next 12 months, nearly double the percentage that said so 12 months ago.

In the past 12 months, 23.6% of leisure travelers said they had taken a staycation"a vacation spent at homein response to gasoline prices. Nearly three out of 10 said they planned to do so within the next 12 months.

With more than half of travelers saying they will actively look for travel bargains and discounts and another third saying they will visit less expensive destinations, affordability is certain to be top-of-mind, said Erin Francis, managing partner at Destination Analysts, in a statement.

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