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Chinese online booking explosion hits RMB 18 billion

  • 2008-06-27
  • 来源:快捷航空
  • 点击量:11
Published: 26 Jun 2008:Technological advancement and changes in consumer behavior have meant that the Chinese travel industry has taken huge economic strides recently. OTAs, hotels and airlines have all benefited from an increase in online bookings from RMB 442 million in 2002, to RMB 18.2 billion in 2007.

Inbound, internet savvy visitors to China have provided the perfect reason for China based travel businesses to implement new technologies and so they are.

IHG have recently introduced a facility whereby Chinese guests who do not carry foreign bank cards have access to real time hotel confirmations and online payments. Whilst Wyndham now allow users to complete the booking process in their own native language, making it more comfortable in a country where credit card fraud has been problematic.

Both of these are excellent technological advancements that help to facilitate change in consumer buyer behavior across China..

The airline sector is experiencing a boom period as well, fuelled by the strengthening economy and the mobilized Chinese middle class. The airline sector now accounts for 28% of the total travel market - up from 21% in 2002 - and is Chinas fastest growing travel segment.

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